Results from Saturday May 26th Men’s Opening Stag. There were 120 players.
Overall Low Gross: Sam Barber 68
Overall Low Net: Jacob Udeschini 62
Closest to the pin #2 Adam L’ami
Closest to the pin #7 Sandro Orlando
Closest to the pin #12 Brent Webster
Closest to the pin #16 Sandro Orlando
Longest Drive HDCP 14 & Under: Sam Barber
Longest Drive HDCP 15 & Over: Rudy Taus
1st Place: Ben Hong, Cam Dobson, Brent Webster, Sandro Orlando 275
2nd Place: Rudy Taus, Frank Peirce, Big David, Dennis Langlois 283
3rd Place: Boo Lawson, Gord Prisco, Tom Casey, Ryan Leckie 284
4th Place: Kevin Roche, Sean Lepkan, Richard Rochefort, Mike Watson 286
5th Place: Mike Bethune, Butch Forbes, Mike Finner, Mark Schledewitwz 290
6th Place: Warner Byers, Dave Byers, Cam Small, Dave Dwyer 292
7th Place: Carlo Guido, Anthony Scarfone, Nick Battigaglia, Owen Hong 293
8th Place: Nick Gribbons, Jacob Boudreau, Jacob Udeschini, Adam Cucullo 294
9th Place: Reg O’Connor, Mike Wellard, Mike Anello, Brad Haines 295R
10th Place: Dave Russell, Matt Curwin, Roy Moore, John Pace 295
11th Place: Jeff Mancini, Cam Rotondo, Jordie Leggett, Mark Lucenti 297
12th Place: Taylor Ringuette, Marc Ringuette, Nate Taus, Al Duchesne 300R