Sponsor for the night was Al Cantina/Brad Field/Ashley Hummel and there were 46 Participants.

Closest to the pin #2 Janice Morland
Closest to the pin#7 Lori Sheehan

Longest Putt #9 Kayla Kosturik
Longest Drive #3 Kris Nicholls

A Flight:
1st: Kim Lepkan, Tammy Morison, Donna Yetman, Annette Lalonde
2nd: Barb Allan, Kerry Caruso, Brenda Bourre, Mary Lepkan
3rd: Leslie Bethune, Catherine Morland, Karen Strang, Sandra Black

B Flight:
1st: Lorna Jenkins, Karen Commanda, Tammy Cooley, Kathy Venhola
2nd: Katie Barber, Jackie Barber, Kayla Kosturik, Carly Byers
3rd: Janice Morland, Julie Field, Val Davis, Jill Gervais